Dear dover, I quote from Lew's post ( 06-27-017) :'' I have been
using the Eichmann silver bullets, etc. ''because I see a sound
philosophy behind their design''. I refered to this philosophy
as ''one point ground'' and ''as less metal as posible''. I also
assume that the plastic body has the same function as isolation
of the wire in front of the connector. Lew obviously changed his
mind about the ''desing philosophy'' by his later praise of the
Xhadow which design philosophy is totally different (aka ''abundance
of metal''). This was my reason to assume his diplomatic
capabilities (grin).
Can you explain in technical terms why ''one point ground'' and
''sparing use of metal'' is important? If the plastic body instead
of metal body is also important please explain. I need this to
convince chakster: ''not a goat but an eagle ''.