Acoustic Revive RR-77, 777, 888 Schumann Generator

Love to hear from anyone about their experience with these devices.  Long story short, I have an RR-77 in my room.  Bought it off Audiogon about ten years ago.  Every once in a while I look at it and think to myself "stooopid".  So I turn it off... then back on... then off... then back on.  Then I leave it on because what it does is wild.  And it does wildly good things to the sound in the room. I have it positioned above 5', and off to the side in the room.  It's like an ECU tune on your already high performance engine.  It's like buying a chocolate from a storefront in Brugge, rather than a Godiva from your local mall.  

I've read the threads.  Looked over posts and reviews on the interwebs.  It works and anyone who says it's snake oil... whatevs.

Anyone ever compare iterations of this device?  77 vs. 777 vs. 888?  Any discernible improvements?

I have not delved into any other AR devices.  Anything particularly noteworthy?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsumadoggie
As for how it works, its EM not acoustic.
I think it is the 2, the EM field modify the acoustical setting of the room and not only the physiology of perception...But your remark about the brain waves and the range of resonance of the S.G. seems very truthful to me and a relatively recognized fact...But it is not only like i said that the S.G. are affecting the human physiology but the room acoustic also because if you put on the S. G. a shungite plate or a quartz the effect are very different....And these changes are not pick by the brain directly but through the acoustical changed properties of the room....Then the S. G. change the physiology of perception but the acoustical space also....

Keep in mind that mine work in an interconneted grid with very thin copper cable, connected also to a varied grid of resonators of different size and different materials on the main caps, these materials (shungite and quartz or tourmaline) modify the audible effect in opposite direction, for example, amongst other effects, compressive or decompressive action with a positive or a negative impact...Balancing shungite and quartz gives the best timbre perception....

the modified and interconnected S.G. then does not change only imaging and soundstage but also timbre perception.... And timbre is not undertood in term only of pure frequencies but with other factors linked to the acoustical setttings of the room ( the spectral enveloppe  but also the time enveloppe)....

The general impact of my grids is so great that there is absolutely no relation between my audio system S.Q. before and after....

Since you were so right about this the first time, today I ordered Shungite plates and Herkimer crystals for my SG’s.
Remember to buy copper tape for the external side of the shungite small plate ( i use mini shungite plate for phone protection from Russia) it is what i called "golden plate" in my thread....

I use the big "golden plates" to controls the level of noise in my house electrical grid also....It is the main device for my electrical embedding control....Ratio quality control/price is very good compared to the competition.... 😊

Accounting for the actual state of your audio system by listening experiments, you can also use tourmaline, it will work differently than Herkimer diamond ( a kind of powerful quartz) and even some other stones like banded agate etc....It is a way to balanced the audible effect to reach the more naturalness of timbre perception possible....But if you begins the best thing is balancing golden plate with Herkimer or tourmaline....
Another company that's been into this is Audio Magic. Their pulse generators and more recently their CE Generators, then there's the Stein products.

Glad to come across similar less expensive product.
But each board also has IC chips so there’s the inevitable EMI and RFI from that.
i forgot to say that adding my golden plate to the S.G. was motivated in the first place by their capacity to decrease the noise level like i was using them already in my house electrical grid to begins with...

But i discover that adding also herkimer diamond or tourmaline to the "golden plate" not only decreased noise level but changed the timbre perception and not only the imaging or the soundstage....After that i discover that they work more powerfully interconnected not only with stones but with my resonators grids...

It is this way that i add to passive material acoustical controls (reflective,absorbing or diffusive devices)
what i called an active non computerized device for acoustical control: the grid of S.G. interconnected with the grid of resonators....

Remember that all electronical devices that are sold for line treatment or electrical control, power conditioner and other device add a noise of their own because they add electronical component to the chain and they are costly... it is always a trade-off...

My "golden plate" cost peanuts and are passive material....

The ratio quality/ price is then over the roof for me....It makes no point for me now to add costly pulse generator for example....

Audiophile experience is NOT necessarily costly, this is my main revelation.....😊

People want to pay 10,000 dollars for a new dac without even controlling the mechanical, electrical, and acoustical embeddings of their actual audio system...

Upgrading is not the solution most of the times or at least for most of us no so rich people.....Embedding rightfully is....😎