"The most expensive Dali you can find/afford. So rich I can’t seem to listen with my eyes open"
Another contender for the ’must listen to’ club.
@wester17 ,
"Ahh yes! The audio merry-go-round. I’m truly ready to get off. Over the past two weeks I have sold three sets of speakers and a tube amplifier. The basement looks so much more uncluttered now! It actually feels good!"
Can’t say I blame you. This hobby has a strange way of turning from pleasure into pain, and then sometimes back again.
It sure sounds as if you’re ready to get back into your music again.
Tonal accuracy rather than pursuit of detail is the way to go. I’m sure of it.
One = pleasure, the other = analysis.
You won’t go far wrong with Tannoys but you might also be able to do a smidgen better with something else. @prof has written extensively on this subject so it might also be worth reading some of his posts.
Anyway, what are you using currently? It might possibly help those who are a little further up the same mountain path give you a few pointers.