Streaming newbie looking for guidance

I've been streaming using Airplay and Google Chromecast Music from a phone or Mac into my Topping D50s DAC.  Using Spotify, I'm not happy with the sound quality.  I have a Synology NAS with 25-30k lossless rips on it and I find connecting to and playing rips frustrating - the laptop, which is not connected to the NAS, has to be connected and so far, I've tried using iTunes and Synology's software, neither of which are easy enough with the external drive.

Ideally, I want the following:
- wipe my 2015 Macbook Pro (w/16GB RAM, 128GB SSD drive) mostly clean and use it as a music server/streamer
- connect the Mac to my DAC via USB
- using some TBD software on the Mac, index my rips, be able to create playlists and be able to control the playback using an iphone or ipad (ideally, the rips stay on the NAS, which is in another room - if not possible, I can make a copy of the rips, put them on an external hard drive and connect to the Mac via USB)
- stream Qobuz or Tidal to DAC via computer, again controlled by iphone or ipad

I want to try this first, see if my sound quality is better than Spotify is currently, and be able to play my rips easily.  Is what I'm proposing easy?  Am I missing anything?  Anyone have good suggestions on what software to index and control my rip library and be able to control the library from an external device?

Thanks in advance.
Oh, thanks hanfrac for allowing my involvement. Hope you find what you need.
No worries at all.  I'm trying to figure this out and it's not at all obvious to me what path to follow.  I am starting to consider dropping the $$ on a dedicated device vs. repurposing my Macbook, mostly because I don't want to get lost in configuration and troubleshooting and so on.  Right now, I'm hearing I should look at the Node/Vaults and the Innuos.  Looking into the Lumin.  
Well I use the Pure Music software program on my Mac mini and Macbook pro. Def improvement over itunes playing back AIFF files. Works for serving not streaming.
Sounds like Pure Music doesn't work with Catalina.  Maybe the easiest thing to do is to get a Node2i, use it for a year or two, then realize I can spend a lot more money for other features and I'll have a better idea of what I like.

Not sure whether I try Qobuz or Amazon HD Music first.  Amazon definitely has a cost advantage.