Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?

Previously loved, slightly demo'ed....etc.  

Gosh, when I sell the old car I should not list it as "used" ....perhaps "formerly observed", "slightly touched",  "once considered",  "only driven by a Little Old Lady from Riverside, Ca."

But thankfully no items sold are "used" any longer, really helps my faith in the market.

"Creative writing and the Internet" should be a required course for all "Semi-liberal  arts" degrees"


I’ve noticed when you’re buying, ‘it’s vintage- and they don’t build them like this anymore’

When I’m selling, ‘it’s 30 years old and could fail at anytime’
Whatever happened to second-hand?

There are marketing euphemisms and then there are PC-motivated name changes.

Personnel becomes Human Resources, Fundraising becomes Development, etc. etc.
The 20 year old at the bank is now Vice President of the branch with a card to boot. All salslesmen are associates... not only is my used audio used in a smoke free environment, it’s also drug and disease free. 
@tobor 007,

’If it’s old and damaged, you pay less. If it’s old, damaged, and vintage you pay more.’

Old and vintage (>20 years) mean the same thing but one carries more value and distinction.

Antique (>100years old) usually carries even more, but maybe not yet in audio.

Retro just seems to mean cheap. Maybe you could call it paying homage...



’At each step of the journey toward socialism freedoms are lost so that we can "help those less fortunate".’

Yes, it’s all about shuffling freedoms around. Some will gain, some will lose.

Here in the UK we spend a quarter of our GDP upon welfare, yet many still complain it’s not enough. They seem to be blithely unaware of how the vast majority of the world lives.

Just who is setting this agenda, and why, are important questions we should be asking. Especially right now.

When it comes to selling language is important, but what’s wrong with honesty?

Before I sell anything I try to recall all defects and issues and highlight them in the wording.

That usually gives me peace of mind knowing then that the buyer is unlikely to be disappointed.

Whether it’s political correctness, marketing speak, or euphemism, blatant deception through words that attempt to to deflect or mislead are unlikely to deceive the experienced buyer.

It’s far better to work on presentation I feel. That reflects well upon the seller and also enhances the perceived value of the item for sale.

I particularly like those ads on eBay where someone goes to a lot of trouble to highlight a barely perceptible blemish.

Good for them. I like to think that enthusiasts of used audio have a higher than average sense of integrity.