Plus and Minus

Got into a discussion with a few fellow musician audiophiles.  

Issue one:  The fidelity of home playback versus live music.  After much bantering about, it became, 'How can you tell?"  If you didn't hear it live or you don't listen to live music, how can you say your playback system is true to live?  Interesting question.  I put forward, if your monkey bone tells you it is live - then it is live.  After all, who's to say what you hear and what someone else hears is true to live or not.  If you like it - its live to you.

Second issue:  How can you tell if a tweak is positive or negative?  If put it in, did it bring you closer? When you take it out, did it make it worse?  I put forward the notion that if you put it in and listen to it for a bit and then take it out, the question becomes did it take you there or take you away?  After all, you listened to your system without it and you know how it sounded; putting something in changes it (presumably) and only after taking it out can you judge if you really like it or not or are you enamored with it.  On this, there was general agreement.

Lastly, does 'how much you paid' factor into the equation?  That was universally shot down.  There are incredible audio values in a specific piece that belay its cost.  You just gotta hunt them down.  There was agreement that there was a law of diminishing returns.  I put forth the notion that the chase for the best knows no boundary save the wallet.  The smiles and nods were universal on this point.  The law being:  If you can afford it ....

Funny hobby we have.  The monkey bone should guide us and the wallet supporting us; yet, we argue about what each other hears and neither side has the same bone n' wallet.  :-)
Hey @oldhvymec I've decided to start a new thread to answer your question so as to not derail the OP. :)
The concept of reproducing a live event make no sense in the absolute...For sure...

What is a live event? is it what we listen to coming from where the one microphone or where the many microphones are on the stage? Is it where the pianist or the trumpeter are? Or more where the first row listener is, but which one, the middle one,or the one at the right end or left end of the row? last row?

There is NO live event.... There is MANY live events...

But we choose to record one with one or many microphone...

In MY room, what i listen to from MY specific electronic components, which are, i am pleased to think, rightfully embedded with MY devices and method, what i listen to then , has no direct relation with what you will listen to, each of you, from the same cd, nor to what the pianist, the trumpeter or the many different rows listeners listenened to in the alleged " live event" that is different for all of them....

The right question in audio for all of us, except for those who recorded the live event and mix it, the real question is not the problem of how to be faithful to a non existent unique " live event", but how to output the choosen recorded event amongst many possible, with our specific audio system, in our specific room ....

The answer to that is simple for me: Dont upgrade, listen many times first, and embed everything, mechanically, electrically and acoustically in the best way... It is a step by step fun experience anyway...

Then you will feel your "monkey bone" from the heart beating , this is called an "orgasm"...

And buying a costly new audio component will seems with the time passing more and more like a lost of money and a diminushing return on investment and sometimes a not so more useful and wise investment...

Audiophile experience come from the ear-brain experience and experiments, not from the money in your pocket at all, and not from a non existent original unique live event... But from a choosen recorded event by the recording egineers that will be different for sure in all house on earth....

Will it sound good in your house?

If it sound more than good in my 500 hundred dollars audio system rightfully embedded, why not in your room?
Asking this question is the beginning of the solution...

A clue: for most of us the solution IS NOT an upgrade of speakers, amplifier or dac is how to embed what we already have....

At the end my truth is that audiophile experience MAY cost peanuts....Do it the right way with your ears and trust them first.... Simple.....

And OP it is you that will know if a "tweak" is positive or negative, if you cannot decide it is sign that you must  try other thing....

All my embedding devices are low cost, homemade often, and it is not necessary to buy costly tweaks at all to remedy the mechanical, electrical and acoustical dimensions... The only painful action is not so much paying money than paying attention to sound, listening, thats all....

For other clue my thread; "miracles in audio.... "

My best to all....

Erik, yea I should show a little courtesy, I get to blabbin’.

Excuse me OP, didn’t mean to goof the thread up...

Where you at OP.. Don’t start something and run off..Now...

More "Monkey bone" material needed, LOL

Erik, yea I should show a little courtesy, I get to blabbin’.


It wasn't you, it was me! :)
Right here.  Just listening.  Monkey bone: A euphemism for the visceral stimulation music imparts to the soul - assuming, of course....😀