
The problem I find with the current revenue model is that the most popular artists are making more money than ever, but it is very difficult for less popular artists to make a living short of being on the road full time ... though it is a job, so I am not sure how much sympathy I should have. Most of us work a full year.

I don't think the issue is streaming though,  I think the issue is still intellectual property theft, and that includes USED CDs and USED VINYL.

Music is not a necessity, it is a luxury item. If an artist does not want to have their music streamed, legally or more importantly illegally, that should be 100% their choice, and if they want to charge $500 for a CD, that is their choice, just like charging $25,000 for a cable. No one is forced to buy it, and at least for the CD, you know exactly what you are getting.

So, I don't think it is streaming that is killing the small artist, it is people's general willingness and lack of moral consciousness and compass that allows them to steal someone else's work, without a second thought.


  I think the issue is still intellectual property theft, and that includes USED CDs and USED VINYL.
Buying used CDs or LPs is not intellectual property theft. That it offends your righteous moral sensibilities does not make it theft.

I find less "moral" issue with records as it would be rare for someone to take a copy of a record and resell it, though lets be honest, that is often the case with CDs, and yes, it is actually illegal to take a copy of the CD and then sell the CD if you don't destroy the copy you made. That is morally and legally theft on the part of the person making the sale or even donating the disk, as that is now illegal copying and distribution.

If you think people being compensated for their work product is "righteous", then ....
... it is actually illegal to take a copy of the CD and then sell the CD if you don't destroy the copy you made
Of course. What I noted was that buying a used CD or LP is not intellectual property theft, which is what you seem to have implied.
You have the right to archive anything you have paid for the rights to use.

You CANNOT sell a copy of anything without expressed permission from the legal owner. You may archive anything you own "rights" too.

You can sell the original, you cannot sell the copy, or one with a hacked "KEY". My next door neighbor lost his MSCE for LIFE, behind selling copies of MS NOS, with hacked keys...

"Some" software, may be withdrawn from service without YOUR permission. NOS and OS system.

IF you can write your own OS, or are using something like Linux, with open source code, that can’t happen. Getting on the Internet might be a little tricky though.. :-)

If you didn’t pay for the music or DON’T have permission to play the music, it’s THEFT.. Plane and simple.

There is not one piece of music in this house, that hasn’t been paid for at least once, many 2 and a few 3 or 4 times. 

First Vinyl, Then RtR, then Cassette, back to Vinyl, then Cassette really took off, then CD, now back to RtR, and never stopped using Vinyl.

I like my server, and the LTops too, ALL good to me.. Some is different than others. Nothing has changed with RtR, though.. Not a lot to choose from, you have to make your own...

The Music Channel, and MTV, late 70s, I’ve always used it. Close to 50 years now.. More consistent than any other medium, I’ve used other than AM, FM radio.
