Easily the best and most significant sonic tweak one could ever make!

Well hearing aids of course (if you need them and many don’t realize they do). I was diagnosed with asymmetrical hearing loss in my right ear over a year ago at only age 52. Entirely in the upper frequency. (As hearing loss per my ENT is almost always symmetrical, the protocol for this unusual diagnosis is a MRI brain scan to rule out a tumor; thank God everything was normal there).

Anyway, while expensive (partially covered by Insurance in most plans in the States), the different listening to music is in absolute terms startling. The proverbial veil is wayyyyy lifted particularly on lyrics but really the whole presentation is improved from the midrange thru to the top registers.

Keep this in mind before upgrading your electronics or speakers and perhaps instead upgrade the most critical precision instrument....your ears! I share this and if it helps one member on here, well that would be really great.
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I went through dozens of speakers, amplifiers and pre-amps before I realized it was not the right channel that was bad, but that my right ear was weaker than my weak left ear.Insofar as appreciating analog playback the first time with hearing aids, it was very much like my first pair of eye glasses as a kid. Wow! What a difference.So at 79 years of age, whenever I think one of my systems is going bad, I go to the audiologist first.
I Know you can get HA that will really increase your ability to hear. 25 % of the people I worked with were wearing them or needed them. Our company would help either side of the hearing problem. They would pay for your better hearing and the preventative side was a given. Even down to noise cancellation plug, inserts for noise pollution, or hypersensitivity.

That will keep you pissed off if your not careful. HIGH NOISE environments..or Hypersensitivity, exacerbated by a heart problem or something, like that. Like to drove me nuts a couple of times...Got the ol ticker fixed, helped a heck of a lot...

I forgot, saw my boss get knocked over by a backing PU as the BU beeper is at 113 or something like that.
I felt pretty good that day. Only problem, he missed his head...CRAP! He just wasn't paying attention, as 15 of us are waving orange vest and hardhats at him... Ka plunk... Dummy!

Yes ! The doctor said it was more common than you think.  Anyway what an upgrade (if you need it)!