When did you digitize your CDs and LPs? I still haven’t...

I’m a 46 year old guy who came up on LPs and cassettes, got into CDs and then stumbled into the world of online music where I’m still trying to figure out what to do.

20 years or so ago when people started getting excited about digitizing their CD collections, I never bothered. I have maybe 900-1000 CDs and the idea of having to “rip” them never appealed to me. Heck, I never even liked the word “rip” and the action seemed time consuming and boring as heck to me. Same for LPs.

These days, I still have all my obsolete media but I’m a Tidal HiFi subscriber and have come to love streaming. Still, there’s a lot I have on CD and LP that Tidal doesn’t have and I’m wondering if it’s time to step into the present and get something like an Innuos Zen Mk III so I can stream, rip, and store at least all of my CDs.

Is it time to step into the present, or will I be fine rocking my Nakamichi CDP-2A until it dies and then just buying another CD player or transport? That certainly seems less expensive these days than a fancy streamer/server/“ripper”.
but then with the cost of, say, an Innuous Zen Mini Mk III, the upgraded power supply
You’re better off just getting the Zen than the Mini and upgraded power supply IMO unless you need the DAC in the Mini, but you’ll want to upgrade that anyway. 
I’m creeping up on $3k just so I don’t have to change the CD when it’s done?
No.  Your streamed music will sound better through the Zen than the Node with the added ability to access all your CD music from your chair in any order you wish or even listen to it randomly.  Then again, if you prefer to just listen to one familiar CD at a time then perhaps a CD player is just fine.  Personally, since I started streaming I’ve found so much incredible new music I rarely play my CDs anymore, but that’s me. 

I ripped my 1K plus collection of CD’s 4 years ago when I bought Vault 2 and then sold most of it for pennies on the dollar.  My collection is now reduced to about 200 discs that are mostly SACD, K2HD and XRCD. I wasn’t going to give away those for pennies :-) 

As others have pointed out, streaming offers equal or better SQ than redbook CD’s. I use Qobuz which IMO is better than Tidal. 

there is no reason why you “have” to rip your physical media and play it from a streamer.  It isn’t obsolete.  I’m not a vinyl guy, but it’s making a comeback, the turntables and amps out there are a huge step better than what you had growing up. As far as CDs,the difference between playing digits from a spinning disc vs a hard drive isn’t much.  This being an audiophile forum, you will get people arguing to the death that one sounds better than the other, but it boils down to ?which CDP vs which streamer?
   It is more of a Lifestyle issue.  With streaming you don’t have to leave the couch, and you can save space if you discard the physical stuff.  Otoh, you get all the IT issues with streaming, with streamers not being recognized by home systems, ISP throttling bandwidth, dropouts, etc.  if you are comfortable dealing with networking issues, you might think no biggie.  I am older than you, and IT issues are my biggest hassle at work.  I hate coming home and finding that all the boxes in my music system which played so nicely the day before now are in a snit and not talking with each other.  Re:   Your comments about the Node2 .  You didn’t need to buy it.
You can stream direct from a computer to a DAC that accepts USB
(you do have a DAC, right?  Check for inputs on your CDP if you don’t).
Re:   Your comments about the Node2 .  You didn’t need to buy it.
You can stream direct from a computer to a DAC that accepts USB
(you do have a DAC, right?  Check for inputs on your CDP if you don’t).

Well, I don’t have a desktop but I have a MacBook from 2011 and a new iPad. I guess I could repurpose the seldom used MacBook as a streamer for it’s end of life phase. I have a DAC coming in the next week or 2, my first standalone one and it has USB input. My CDP only has analog outs, no inputs. At least the Node is cheaper than a new laptop. 

The IT issues are what made me strongly reconsider something like the Allo USBridge or any other component that requires any degree of computer networking competence. 

It’s been almost three weeks and the Node just sits there and does its thing without issue so far. 
I think you are done.  I use a 2011 MacAir in one on my systems as a streamer, it’s a great use of an aged PC.  I would burn the files to hard drive with the PC and play them with the Node2, since you already have it, but if you sour on the Node the Mac&DAC will do the job