Well its 45 amps per monoblock X 2 = 90 amps total.....nothing to sneeze at especially with a most efficient Class D design.
Musical Fidelity is a stereo amp so most likely the peak is 140A total.
Again, specs never tell all the story, but in lieu of similar measured specs into 4 ohms, 140 amps peak alone is more grey. It’s not uncommon for amps to cite high peak current delivery but without measurements or specs indicating what that means into 4 and even 2 ohms, its harder to make a valid comparison. Not to mention one being very efficient Class D and the other less so Class a/b.
Measurements from an independent source is best. Bel Canto amps regularly get the full review and measurement treatment from Stereophile to add clarity.
Meanwhile every Class D amp I have heard matched properly to pre-amp delivers a vice like grip on the bass that might sound relatively lean to some. WHen I first turned on my ref1000ms, I thought the bass was totally gone. No exaggeration. THen once my ears adjusted I heard it all.....extended, detailed controlled and articulate, not as fat flabby and one note as before.
Meanwhile newer BEl Canto Class D amps claim stability into 3 if not two ohms. That’s pretty good! DO Minis imdepance go lower than 3-4 ohms at any frequency? How about phase? DOn’t know offhand but that would tell even more about how difficult a load they might be or not.
Musical Fidelity is a stereo amp so most likely the peak is 140A total.
Again, specs never tell all the story, but in lieu of similar measured specs into 4 ohms, 140 amps peak alone is more grey. It’s not uncommon for amps to cite high peak current delivery but without measurements or specs indicating what that means into 4 and even 2 ohms, its harder to make a valid comparison. Not to mention one being very efficient Class D and the other less so Class a/b.
Measurements from an independent source is best. Bel Canto amps regularly get the full review and measurement treatment from Stereophile to add clarity.
Meanwhile every Class D amp I have heard matched properly to pre-amp delivers a vice like grip on the bass that might sound relatively lean to some. WHen I first turned on my ref1000ms, I thought the bass was totally gone. No exaggeration. THen once my ears adjusted I heard it all.....extended, detailed controlled and articulate, not as fat flabby and one note as before.
Meanwhile newer BEl Canto Class D amps claim stability into 3 if not two ohms. That’s pretty good! DO Minis imdepance go lower than 3-4 ohms at any frequency? How about phase? DOn’t know offhand but that would tell even more about how difficult a load they might be or not.