FM Tuner for audiophiles-is it a bad idea today?

I have almost completed my analog/digital mid-fi audio chain and was originally planning to eventually add a used FM Tuner primarily based on
leaning towards a tubed tuner or top of the list Accuphase.

I plan to stream both Tidal and Qobuz.

However, I suspect that most/all FM Tuner songs are either Cd/Redbook quality or lower, and that nobody spins vinyl for radio anymore.

Is adding a high-end FM Tuner pointless/a bad idea?
I'm a long way from FM these days, mostly listen to Sirius XM in the car. If I do decide to get back into FM, I'll look for a McIntosh MR 78 or that Magnum Dynalab tuner with the gold faceplate. 
Roon and both allow you to stream radio stations, that's what I use.  I used every morning while I'm exercising, while in Western NC, I can enjoy classical from DC, jazz from Chicago, etc.
I listen to the NPR jazz/news station all day while I'm working.  I stream a lot, but it's nice to listen to live radio with a real DJ talking about the music they're playing.  The sound quality is better than almost anything you can stream on Sirius, TuneIn, etc.  The only online "radio" I listen to (and support with donations) is Radio Paradise.
I had my Magnum Dynalab MD102 repaired and then I got tired of the 
commercials taking over, I live in the bay area (San Francisco) and the music SUCKS on over the air stations, we had a nice station that played Jazz Fusion and then they ( i Heart radio) turned it into a soft rock station.
and then I found TIDAL with MQA  and I Bought a LG V20 cell phone with a built in DAC and I never turned back, NOW I'm looking for a LG V30 with MQA built in and I won't need a Dragon Fly.