Ascend Sierra 1 vs Triangle Borea BR08

I decided to upgrade my current bookshelf speakers (Infinity R162s). I've settled on 2 options based on some reviews: 

  • Ascend Sierra 1 (on sale for 680/ pair) 
  • Triangle Borea BR08 (on sale for 800/ pair) 
I'm newer to audio stuff, but I felt it was a good time to upgrade. My current system and listening area: 

  • Denon AVR-X2600H (95WPC) 
  • HSU VTF2 MK5 
  • Fluance RT-85 (Nagaoka MP150) 
  • Art DJ Pre II (12V power supply upgrade) 
  • 24'x15' living/dining area with 9' ceilings
  • Not treated and can't be because WAF
  • Opening to kitchen and staircase 
  • Listening Position about 7-8 feet from speakers currently
Originally I thought the Triangle might fill the space better and I like that is 3-way. That said I've heard some middling reviews about response.

Sierra 1s are at a great price, and I would assume better quality. What I'm concerned about is achieving adequate volume in the space.

I value accuracy above volume, but I don't want it to sound anemic in space. I will probably end up just trying both and judging for myself, but curious as to your opinions. 

Thanks! This is my first post here. 

Truth be told, I ordered the Triangles a couple days ago because I figured the deal would be dead. Found them on Adorama thru slickdeals. Looks like back to 1200-1400/pair. 
Man, you scored.  I was strongly considering the Bro 3 a while back.  I don’t think you could have even done better buying used.  
Enjoy your new speakers!

I'll most likely purchase the Sierra 1 as well. Figure if I like them more than the Triangle, I can sell the BR08S for around what I paid and make someone happy with the deal. Saves me shipping. 
My bet is that the triangles will win.  The build quality won’t be as good but I bet they sound much fuller.  The mids and highs should be fine on the Triangles also.