Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?
For reasonably priced top end tube gear, check out Decware made in East Peoria, Illinois. 
Cincy is pretty much closed up with the pandemic. I’m working from home and not going much of anywhere. At least it affords me time to research and dream about the new system I’m planning to get. Of course I’ve been in love with a different shiny toy every few days. Sooner or later I’m bound to nail down at least one component. Likely choose speakers first then work backwards toward the source.

Same here In Columbus. I'm doing research on some sort of component daily. 
Thanks for the link. Looking at the price of those caps, I'd have to think hard before taking the plunge. I have no doubt it takes the PL into the next league.f

i have looked at the decware online but have not heard it. Reasonably priced too! There is a lot of good tube gear out there now making it hard to decide which way to go. Many options to trial at home, but that still involves shipping costs and sometimes restocking fees. Still better than a blind purchase, but definitely want to narrow field before trying them out. First step though would be to decide on speakers I want and purchase them. Then I could compare them all the same. Still wavering on integrated VS separates. Then we have dac & streamer to figure out .,,,..