Name the most recent album that has shaped your musical world

Every now and then, sometimes when you're least expecting it, an album comes along that shifts, develops, and extends the shape of your music world.The album/artist/creation doesn't have to be a sea-change from your previous taste, but it does have to add a flavor to that taste palette that was missing before.

In the past few years, creations like M83's "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming", TV on the Radio's "Quartz", and Wye Oak's "The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs" have all done this. But most recently, Janelle Monae's "Dirty Computer" eased me into a new musical shape, itself populated by Erykah Badu, Dominique Fils-Aime, and others I wouldn't have discovered had it not been for Monae's brilliant, game-changing release.
Soap & Skin - Lovetune for Vacuum.
Anja Plaschg is an experimental pianist and acoustic poet. Psychedelic punkett.
Carmen Gomez up pop the devil. Not only a great album but the recording IMO Is sound liaisons best work. Happy hunting 
Roxy Music Avalon. The euro pressing, the cover is a little taller than usual, had to change the shape of my musical world to fit it on the shelf.
Avalon has always been an amazing album, especially in the oversized pressing....ha
Cue some Diablo Swing Orchestra....any of it but Pandora’s Pinata is sweet....all on Tidal too.