Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
My suspicion was that keithr 'does' enjoy listening to your system.This is really the whole point of assembling a system in the first place;'enjoyment' and the 'emotional' involvement it is capable of. I`d love to hear your system and music selections one day.I believe room treatment applied judiciously can be very useful given certain conditions.Like anything audio however it can be a hit or miss proposition.This is an area of audio where the obsessive concern can 'potentially' run amuck if one is`nt careful.
Of course I enjoy listening at Phil's place. That's not the real question at all. I'm going over there soon for a vinyl evening in fact...something that I decide year after year to not pursue in my own system, yet still enjoy.

Funny, the thing I most dislike in Phil's Zu Definition-based system is the 845B tube, as is well documented on these pages/forums.

But there is always potential for better sound and I feel the improvement in his room if he decides to pursue it would be much larger than expected.

I think the easiest way for folks to begin is to buy a pair of GIK tri-traps for cheap and stick them in the corners. They are removable when company arrives. If they do nothing for you, return them.
One last thing- people with dedicated rooms and lavish treatment have the potential to go overboard and try and remove every frequency anomoly and Rives in particular has taken some flack on boards and ended up with some unhappy folks. (I did a L1 existing room, so mine was incremental by nature).

But that doesn't mean the basic concepts of reducing slap echo and early reflections isn't a worthy cause.

Also, just like anything in this hobby--people become very picky and have high demands from acoustic companies. These audiophiles are just as bad as the "cables changed my life" crowd that put new cables on a cooker once a week and spend 10k on a system worth of copper.

Room treatment, just like speaker placement, can be changed and variable to tailor to likes/needs. Start easy and see what you like.
The question I asked you about enjoying music in phil`s room is relevant. Either you do or you don`t enjoy listening there. If you do then in spite of the acoustical flaws you mentioned previously, the music communication is intact thus allowing an emotional connection.

Yes the room could be further improved(I`m certain) but the fact that his room satifies on an engaging level is significant.I`d imagine you`ve been in 'some' treated rooms that were`nt enjoyable as well as those that were very well done.Should`nt the music be inviting and draw people in ?
Wow 213 so full of yourself. Me/I/mine/my. You got the self loud button on full blast.