My suspicion was that keithr 'does' enjoy listening to your system.This is really the whole point of assembling a system in the first place;'enjoyment' and the 'emotional' involvement it is capable of. I`d love to hear your system and music selections one day.I believe room treatment applied judiciously can be very useful given certain conditions.Like anything audio however it can be a hit or miss proposition.This is an area of audio where the obsessive concern can 'potentially' run amuck if one is`nt careful.
My suspicion was that keithr 'does' enjoy listening to your system.This is really the whole point of assembling a system in the first place;'enjoyment' and the 'emotional' involvement it is capable of. I`d love to hear your system and music selections one day.I believe room treatment applied judiciously can be very useful given certain conditions.Like anything audio however it can be a hit or miss proposition.This is an area of audio where the obsessive concern can 'potentially' run amuck if one is`nt careful.