CFCs were banned 20+ years ago - whatever is left is with those that horded the product a long time ago; and CFC-solvents have an indefinite shelf life. So, enjoy what you have - very few people have any left. There are some laboratory quantities left for sale - but they are insanely expensive. But for the sake of the planet and the safety of others - please stop recommending it or discussing it. As I have now said twice, the replacement solvents in Brake Cleaner are now either carcinogenic or will dissolve the record.
And, the CFC's in your car AC system such as CFC-12 boiled at room temperature and could not and were never used as a solvent. And the current replacement HFC-134a (that can dissolve Viton fluorinated rubber) that has no ozone depleting potential is being phased out because it has a high green house warming potential - yeah we fixed one problem only to cause another.
CFCs were banned 20+ years ago - whatever is left is with those that horded the product a long time ago; and CFC-solvents have an indefinite shelf life. So, enjoy what you have - very few people have any left. There are some laboratory quantities left for sale - but they are insanely expensive. But for the sake of the planet and the safety of others - please stop recommending it or discussing it. As I have now said twice, the replacement solvents in Brake Cleaner are now either carcinogenic or will dissolve the record.
And, the CFC's in your car AC system such as CFC-12 boiled at room temperature and could not and were never used as a solvent. And the current replacement HFC-134a (that can dissolve Viton fluorinated rubber) that has no ozone depleting potential is being phased out because it has a high green house warming potential - yeah we fixed one problem only to cause another.