Preamp SS to match class D amp

I have been reading quite a lot and unfortunately I cannot find a post who can guide me into a match between SS pre amp and amp class D. Going through forums people ask advices only on tube pre amp to combine class D amp probably for the fact of the colorations of tube and some sterile class d amp they own. I recently bought some Belcanto ref600m as I got rid of my Mcintosh 8900 who sounded too 80s hifi and I wonder if someone can suggest a good pre amp to link. I would like to have something well build, dual mono if there are still, with balanced input and output. Considering that I listen mainly vinyl, analogic circuit I am thinking. Question as well, is there any preamp with streamer and Dac or these are only digital? As I would like to have a Dac as well to attach and I am wondering if make sense to have another extra gear

Now trying with Nad c 658 and streaming. I can say sound got better and the definition as well but the separation between instrument is so clinical and analytical that is not enjoyable. I think is the chip on the amp, I mean somehow is flat and not 3D, is not involving, mids are not as it should they are thin, or I might need to get use to it or the burn in period is not done
And now I know what is, the singer is well behind the instruments so this is the scene, they are not aligned on the stage. The huge separation doesn’t make the sound to melt together, I get rid of the ampli after one week
if you eliminate the streamer from the equation, have you thought about a McIntosh preamp.  The output is right to match with your BelCantos and the C49 is superb with a nice DAC.  You would need an external streamer, but it should deliver a more than coherent soundstage.  

I recently bought during the cyber week the Wyred4Sound STP-SE and hooked it up to the amp section of the PS Audio Stellar Strata driving Elac Carina speakers listening only from the Bluesound Node 2i and they sound great. The PS Audio has a class D(ice power) inside.

I have been using the Bel Canto E1X controller for about a year now and it does it all, and extremely well at that. DAC, Streamer, phono, two analogue inputs, and most importantly, it sounds superb. I guess I too have the “right” speakers according to @georgehifi, because I have it paired with a pair of Bel Canto Ref. 600’s driving a pair of Spendor A7’s, and before that a pair of ATC SCM19 v2’s, and I have no complaints with either. Simply great sound. As is most always the case, it’s all about the synergy between components. Isn’t that one reason this hobby is so interesting and rewarding when you get it right?