Musical Fidelity A3.2 v. tubed CD players

I have recently made some changes to my system & have moved from seperates to an integrated. I now have a McIntosh MA 6900 and a Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD Player. I used to have a Rogue 66 tube pre & Conrad Johnson MF 2500 amp. Now that I no longer have tubes in my system i've realized the 3.2 is a little too bright - dont get me wrong, its a wonderful & detailed player, just a little too harsh for my tastes. So now im beginning to ponder getting a tubed CD player, i've checked out the Jolida JD100 and that looks like a nice unit... My goal is to eliminate some brightness without losing much detail. Id like to saty under $2K and would prefer a unit with a sliver face. The new Cary 303/300 tube & SS outputs looks sooo tempting! Any suggestion on some warm CD players?

Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD player
Tara Labs ic's
Mcintosh MA 6900 integrated
Luminous Audio Renaissance speaker cables
B&W N804 w/ Sound Anchors

i've swapped the Tara Labs ic's for some various Luminous Audio ic's and havent noticed too much difference between the two...

thanks for reading!
I loved the 3.2 while I had a tube preamp, now I see it as being too bright for my tastes. I thought about getting one of MF's tube buffers, but I want to keep my rack simple with just a CD player and an intergrated. I have thought about the A5, alobg with a Cary 308T
MF A5 is extremely refined, never sounds harsh. Even through a passive pre. Has plenty of tube warmth IMO.
Cary 303/300 goes way too far in the direction of warmth, from both the SS and tube output IMO.
You may consider auditioning some different speakers with the A3.2 as well. I have found the 804s to be a bit bright.
I love my Cary 303/300, but it's not warm by any means. Formerly, I used an AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with upsampling, and it can be warm depending on the tubes one uses. Also, I understand the Cary 308T is warm, but I haven't owned it.