Okay, How Important Is Speaker Break In? (Dynaudio Contour 60i)

I have been running 25+ year old B&W Matrix 803 S2 speakers in my 2-channel system for about 15 years, and I finally treated myself to new speakers.  Mock me for buying based on research alone, but I got a really good deal and just unpacked my beautiful Dynaudio Contour 60i's.  The Dyn's are not broken in, just starting to play around with different songs, but I am expecting an improvement out of the box, and not getting it.  They are no more revealing, and slightly harder and more jangley in the mids and highs.  The bass is of course much better with the big Dyns, but the B&Ws with the Dyn Sub6 subwoofer I was running were better.  I have very good equipment so it is not a matter of driving bigger speakers (ARC Ref preamp and Bryston 7bSST2 monoblocks).  Unless speakers get A LOT better with break in, I thinking these Dyns may be converted back into cash.   Thoughts? Thanks.
I agree with a lot of what is been said above, if it does not sound remotely close to what you would like initially, no amount of break in will help.

honestly, you should’ve stuck with a new Bowers.

In essence, it's a lot like getting a new room mate~you have to get used to each other.
Since i own a pair of contours, the 60 not the i .. 
I speak of experience,  they need more than 200 hours.. 
Listening at the store i found them very dynamic and airy so I ordered a pair, got them delivered and was quite disappointed.. 
It took at least 500 hours before they really opened up , having played my pair over a  year now ( every day) the contour only gets better.. 
So give them some time ! 
Or just break them in for the next happy guy who will enjoy them for many years to come ;-) 
I have the Dyn 60i Contours. Right out of the box they were awesome. And with 300 hours of break in time they've gotten a step better. Make sure you get you get them at least 18 inches away from any wall. 
It’s not about break-in, it’s about finding the right position in your room for the new speakers. Besides, why would the Dyn’s be a major upgrade to your Bowers?