Manufacturers with Excellent customer service

What’s been your experience? Who are the superstars in making things right for the customer, without fuss, and with quick turnaround? 
Though not relevant anymore, the best customer service I’ve ever experienced, and I mean in any industry not just audio, was with Thiel Audio. Though everyone, and I do mean everyone there, was great, I have to give special mention to Shari Graham.
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A small claims suit is also a good idea. Years back I bought a refrigerator but weeks passed without delivery. I demanded a refund. Radio silence from the store though I had been in contact several times a week to resolve this. Finally started a small claims case. When they were served the store called and asked me what this was all about. I told the guy- come one- don’t play games. Got a judgment which was served. 
I received a full refund plus court costs 
Bill McKeigan at D’Agostino.
Jesse Luna and Jim Fowler at dCS.
Phil Marchand at Marchand Electronics
The Kennedy brothers at JS Audio