Because the definition of an "audiophile" is subjective. Often, an audiophile is one who says: "...and if I spend that much money I KNOW it will sound better!Why is it the fallback position on practically any debate or argument on cables is one of a binary nature, that being, obscenely priced cables vs. zip cord, when it was never brought up to begin with? Is that all you've got?
Maybe I should have qualified it by asking it this way: Why is that people with a grudge and an agenda masquerade as audiophiles and get their sadistic kicks haunting and trolling audiophile sites?
Here's a excerpt of a link from a very well respected recording engineer on what he terms HLO (hard lined objectivists):
The whole article is worth a read as the main thrust of it (problems in op amp chips) allies to all aspects of audio reproduction in
All the best,