B&W vs. Sonus Faber

803 d3 vs Sonus Faber Olympica nova v. These are comparably priced, about $16k.

have heard both in separate rooms with diff equipment. Both sound quite good. Trying to decide.
Interested in any opinions, or other options.

@jjss49 first time in a long time I am confused with your post 
re: BOSE 

I always "hang on" in a good way  to your comments  as they are straight forward and insightful.


sorry about that - that comment was directed at the op only

it refers to my getting on him in one of the numerous inane threads he had started a few days ago ... he said i hurt his feelings and he was going to cheer himself up by playing some barry manilow lol


It may sound odd, but have you considered hauling your gear to the hi-fi store that owns the B&W and SF speakers?

Run it by the shop owner, and if he’s hip here’s what I suggest.

Take your equipment there a day before your audition, plug it in and leave it on over night.

Come back the following day with 2 extra large coffees, 1 for him 1 for you, a hand full of your favourate tunes and spend the day listening to your music.

Go home, sleep on it - then - make a decision.
I prefer the relatively brightness of b&W's over Sonus Faber's apparent roll off in the upper extreme.  If your electronics are not truly excellent, the Sonus Faber might sound better to you.  In less esoteric systems, Yamaha calls this the Sweet Yamaha sound, if I remember correctly.  A Sequerra tuner reminds me of this, from when I had a Phase Linear amp that was a bit harsh in the upper ranges, compared to later, not too much more expensive amps.