Tekton Electron SE

I had a pair of Tekton Double Impacts that I sold when I moved to a smaller home. After a year of evaluating various smaller speakers I decided to go back to Tekton but with the more compact Electron SE. In my room these speakers work perfectly. The bass on these smaller speakers is unbelievably deep and tight. I miss none of the punch from the bigger Double Impacts. On mine's I used a single Beryllium tweeter on the middle of the array. The tops on these are very extended and crisp clear more so than the DBs. The imaging and sweet-spot is electrostatic-like with excellent ability to present the faintest details in a recording. In my appreciation other than the ability to convey a "bigger" bass the Electrons have a more refined sound and the bass in my room is more than sufficient with a tighter presntation than that of the DB's. Feel free to send questions if you have any.
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I'm a fellow Electron SE owner.  I love them.  Wish I would have sprung for the single Be tweeter though.  Sometimes I miss a little "air" in the sound
MC’s comments along with the op’s impressions are way over the top. MC comment:”Fits in with everything else. Eric has done remarkable work producing so many exceptionally fine speakers filling out so many little market niches.” How many of those tektons have you actually heard? 0 besides yours. How many niche markets can be handled by this speaker and not by any other speaker?
MC doesn’t have real experience with other Tekton speakers than his, and if you look on his own post, he was raving how good his Tekton speakers were when he hadn’t even listed to them yet, but he read about them. It’s posts and reviews like these that push people off
I don't get all the hate for Tekton here. Ive had mine for three weeks now and I am thrilled with them. After hearing mine my neighbor is picking up a set. I mean they are great sounding speakers. Best ever,probably  not. Amazing for the price, for me yeah. 2k all in and could not be more excited. I listened to all kinds of speakers. Tektons did it for me and let's be honest part of it was the look. Love that tweeter array. Im also not a 30 yr audiophile. This is my first higher end setup. Explain to me how they are bad speakers and I wasted my money. 

Let the dude enjoy his Tektons. 
@charleshoopI run my Perfect Set 2-10 with an Outlaw rr2160. I plan to run Schiit vidar in monoblocks in the future. Just getting started! :)