Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?
I cannot address the OPs question about love or lack of for Primaluna, as I don't frequent audio watering holes. However, I can say that from a nearly objective standpoint, there is something significant missing from my PrimaLuna Evo 300 integrated, which replaced my Cary amp and preamp.

In the Evo 300 I went through several iterations of tubes, settling on real Mullard EL34s and some great NOS 12AU7 from WWII, and while things have certainly gotten better, there is something lacking.

I tried looking for a new level of synergy, as everything else in my system was built around the previous amp and preamp, so I have changed speaker cables, speakers, output impedance, interconnects, cd players, and DACs, and there is just no way to avoid the fact that this is a different presentation than my previously favored Cary amp and preamp (these are old but upgraded units).

I am going to repair the Cary amp (my bad) and go back to where I once was: more energetic, more vivid, and more enjoyable music.
@audiomerk, if you want more warmth, 2 things you can do.

1. insert Shuguang nature sound 6CA7 output tubes, and replace the first two input tubes with Shuguang 12AU7 - TG.2. reduce the Neg feedback a bit on the amp, the imaging will greatly improve, and the imaging will be much more 3-D
Audiomerk, I would not put any more money in trying to get the PL to fit your sound desire. Just unload it. Thru the years I have learned, If one cannot dial in an audio component to satisfying sound quickly (maybe change the first set of tubes), then its not ever going to work. I've read posts where people feel there's something missing on an expensive amp and then try to make it sound right with expensive power cables, etc. Sorry, especially for SS amps, if the general sound character you want is not there out of the box and after a day or two......its not going to happen. 
"there is something significant missing from my PrimaLuna Evo 300 integrated, which replaced my Cary amp and preamp."

I would hope ANY decent amp/preamp combo is "better" than a value integrated unit. It doesn't seem to be a reasonable expectation the PL integrated should outshine a Cary amp/preamp setup. 

"I would not put any more money in trying to get the PL to fit your sound desire. Just unload it."

Agreed. Any piece of equipment is going to have a fundamental "sound" to determine if it's a keeper. I have interest of possibly  tweaking my PL from a  curiosity/hobbyist perspective.