McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound

Have anyone change out the fuse in the back of a McIntosh integrate amp to make it sound better? Does this work or is this a myth? And if it does what kind of fuse? Thx
Synergistic has a 30-day return policy so you can always just try it w/o risk.  I tried the Blue fuse a couple of years ago and it made zero difference in my system but I'm open-minded so I tried.  I can often hear differences in speaker cables, IC's, power cables, and isolation/vibration control but I could not discern any difference in a fuse. 
I found no difference in high end fuses. Any fuse will compromise sound. What worked for me, was taking all of the fuses out and hard wiring the 2 ends of the fuse link with good copper or silver wire.
As all the power that goes into the unit flows through the fuse, why wouldn't it matter to go from a thin piece of tin/lead to something better? 
Anyway my experience has been that every time I've gone from stock to SR or Audio Magic or Hi-fi Tuning fuses the sound has gotten better. And that's whether its tube or solid state equipment.
As far as your question on which one, I've used SR red and blues with good results on my sources and haven't bothered to upgrade. On my tube monoblocks I'm using Audio Magic ultimate premier's and love 'em.
As other's have noted in this threat, just be careful to match the values on the tubes you're replacing. 
Good luck and enjoy!!
And don't forget, wash your hands for 5.5 minutes with Dial soap and wear 70/30 cotton/poly gloves when installing, or all your work will go to waste!