What Audio Religion have you converted others to successfully?

We all have certain audio proclivities, some we expose to the world, some we hide even from our priests and psychotherapists.  We believe, strongly, there's a certain way to achieve magic.  A state of enlightenment which raises our awareness almost instantly to resonate with the sacred muses, and may actually transcend music and audio to reach the divine (as opposed to Divine).

In most cases, we share something with a loved one and they're like "um, ok, are still on for fishing this weekend?" but rarely, ever so rarely, the go home, they don't talk to their spouses, their children think there is something wrong, and they call you late at night. "You know that thing you did, with the cables and the vinyl and stuff?  How can I do that too?  Does my spouse need to know? Can I keep things at your place?"

So, my fellow audiophiles, what proclivities do you find yourself championing, and what do you think is an easy vs. a hard sell? Vinyl?  Room acoustics?  Rubbing Portuguese safflower oil on your cables before listening?

All You Need is Love. That and a shotgun to keep those who don’t at bay. 
@whart I always enjoy your thoughts and writing:-) 

same place, different geography brother 
I think it is important to be satisfied with what you have and just enjoy listening to music.  Otherwise you won't even enjoy listening to music.  Doesn't hurt to drop by your local dealer to hear what is available to see if there is something you like better, but in the meantime fire up your system and enjoy what you have.  Concentrate on exploring new music and expanding your horizons.  Remember the reason why you got involved in this hobby is because of your love of music.  I have to remind myself to do the same.  I too need to force myself to listen to something new because I just might surprise myself and find something I like better to listen to.
What could possibly be constructive about religion?


It’s very simple, slip me a 5.00 , you get a blessing.

What do you think you get for 50.00? That’s right, nothing, but at least I’m honest. Now we get up into the 100.00 range... We’re talking CURSES, YUP. The dog gone VooDoo comes out... at about 250. 00 or so.. then to put it all away, a cool grand or TWO...

Some of this stuff, I gotta do a costume and HAT change.. Need a top Hat and a Cigar... couple of puffer fish...:-)

kenjit, behave this can go either way!! :-0 ho ho ho.... I think 1/64 Gypsy too.. 

+1 @whart 

I have new gear and old gear that I rotate , enjoy it all the same. 

I put together a system for me and me only.  I enjoy reading these threads, on occasion,  I will make a suggestion.   Never,  ever,  trying to convert, promote or convince anyone. 
