Primaluna EVO 300/400 Preamplifier owners - let's hear from you

I'm curious if anyone owns the EVO 300 or 400 Preamps. Besides what your thoughts are on the sonics I would like to know how it is to live with on a daily basis.

Any issues with powering on/off if your amp is already on? Trying to understand order of operations and how sensitive a process powering on is.

How is the volume control to work with via remote? Can you you get very fine adjustments, or is that only possible with the knob on the unit?

Any thoughts on the Balanced vs Single Ended outputs (for the EVO 400)?
Anyone pair it with a SS amp with good results?

Do the Tape outputs work flawlessly?

Please add anything else you think is of note!

I've had my Evo 400 preamp now, for about 60 days.  It's paired with a Peachtree Amp500, feeding a pair of GoldenEar Triton 2+

The preamp provides a DEAD QUIET noise floor.  Power-on is a flick of the switch, and about 20 seconds later... you hear a click or two... and see the status light flip from red to green.  I use mine DAILY for several hours.

I'm running it with balanced XLR between the Luna and the Peachtree... no hum... no intermod... and you'd expect no less.  I think the way I'd describe this preamp is: "Neutral, but not cold... and sharp, with a pleasant clarity for the price-class."  Much of that is likely the rest of my audio chain, but that's how I'm perceiving it, when I added it to the loop.

The remote is substantial, but in my case, you just "barely" need to tap on the volume buttons to achieve a bump in change... and if you're heavy handed... you can overshoot quite easily.

The build quality really is top notch.  Nothing to sneeze at there.
With all the great American, Canadian and European made products why would you choose to support China?
With all the great American, Canadian and European made products why would you choose to support China?

Maybe because Chinese people are also humans trying to make a living and just because someone is American, Canadian or European it does not make them more worthy of food for their family? 

The rulers are bad but the Chinese people are very good people . China didn't ask the US firms to come over for cheap wages,the AMERICAN firms did  !

I have invested 1/3 American. 40%  European 20% Chinese and 10% Japanese. After enjoying the music with my wife of 32 years this evening. She said best: The music sounds like a live performance in our home. I can hear the singer's breath! The Chinese built Primaluna evo 400 (Chinese built) and  Shunyata XLR cables (American built) did this. That is why.