Earplugs at concerts back in the day

Anybody else smart enough to save their ears back in the 60’s-the 80’s?I’d usually put a pair in, and pulled or pushed them to a depth that allowed me to hear (most) everything. My friends laughed. I didn’t care.
Thank God I did! I’m 67 now and still have perfect hearing. Way up in the highest registers as well (according to my daughter and some app she had me listen to).
Hopefully we will be able to attend concerts again in the not to distant future. In my early years I did not bring earplugs but after walking out of one painfully loud rock concert I always brought them going forward.
I always protected my ears but now at 66 years old, I have no hearing in one ear. Age more than abuse did the deed.
I'm 85 and have been to over 2,000 concerts in last 60 years and have near-perfect hearing without using anything .
Of course they were all Classical  Music outings .
A few years ago, while attending the Montreal Jazz Festival, my wife & I joined our son at a Trombone Shorty concert in one of the clubs, and the music was so loud, you couldn't hear anything.  You could see that the singer was singing into the microphone, but you couldn't hear any vocals, you could see the horns playing, but it was too loud to hear them, etc.  The waiter brought over a pair of ear plugs which attenuated the volume enough, so we could make out some of the singing and instruments.

That's become one of my "pet peeves", that so many sound reinforcement people have the volume up higher than the room can accomodate.