To the covidiots above, who are effectively claiming to just let CV19 run its course.
The only reason why the numbers are such as they are is because of the lockdowns. Had they not been implemented, the numbers would be much, much worse.
Why is the US at the top of the pile with CV19?
Freedom baby. Enjoy your freedom
And I love how this is brought down to critical thinking. The ones who feel a need to project their supposed mental superiority, and who are most likely disenfranchised incomplete souls. Needing desperately to feel special, like they know the "Facts" and "Truths" because they are the only ones who are capable of this elevated thinking.
Hot newsflash, you are the ones being used by money grubbing industrialist spreading their doctrine of cash before all. Slave/Master mentality. The slaves want to be the masters. They want to do nothing, because thats what they think the masters do. Thats what the masters want you to think.
Covid has a very simple calculus, and it is exponential.
The only reason why the numbers are such as they are is because of the lockdowns. Had they not been implemented, the numbers would be much, much worse.
Why is the US at the top of the pile with CV19?
Freedom baby. Enjoy your freedom
And I love how this is brought down to critical thinking. The ones who feel a need to project their supposed mental superiority, and who are most likely disenfranchised incomplete souls. Needing desperately to feel special, like they know the "Facts" and "Truths" because they are the only ones who are capable of this elevated thinking.
Hot newsflash, you are the ones being used by money grubbing industrialist spreading their doctrine of cash before all. Slave/Master mentality. The slaves want to be the masters. They want to do nothing, because thats what they think the masters do. Thats what the masters want you to think.
Covid has a very simple calculus, and it is exponential.