Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
I like the wife strategy. Your posts, as well as Phils' are great. I should have read through them before I posted. It's really fete acomplais, but if you ever have additional info, please keep me posted. I'm sure Phil, though he may be busy chopping down his evergreen, will be perusing the Zu thread. Phil, it's been a very long while. You were my tube mentor. Took me over to the other side, and I am still greatful. Sounds like the Def4s will keep me in tubedom. love to hear from you. Thanks again.
It's quite apparent, that the Def4s for a Def 1.5 lover, is a no brainer; especially when my wife says:
Houston you have lift off!
From what I`ve gathered, the Ag CAST is out of this world good.Many believe the Cu version though not equal to the Ag CAST is not very far behind at all.For this reason the Cu CAST is said to be the better value at 1/3-1/4 the cost(relative of course) for a superior cap that betters all else but the CAST Ag version.
Charles, the price of a couple of CAST Cu is $1300-$1500 in relation to the spkrs costing $16k. Very much the territory of what I consider reasonable re i/c or power cord upgrades. If the CAST Ag is 3-4x this cost, that would be much more in the territory of spending money on a component upgrade such as an OTL or SET amp, and hence not that practical. CAST Cu it is.
Warren, congrats on making the decision to go full steam towards the 4s. My girlfriend congratulated me on my choice too as we visited the jewellery shop to select a very nice jewel for her, ha ha!