Any advantage having a 3V Dac output?

Hi all!

Wondering if there are any advantages or disadvantages having a 3V output from a Dac. I understand that a 3V output would be an advantage if one is using a passive preamplifier (attenuator). Any comments?.

Thanks in advance,

I just got a MHDT Stockholm v2 DAC-3v.  I was using the DAC output on my Emotiva ERC-4 CDP at 2v.
Into my  Decware Mini Torii the MHDT produces more volume at the same volume settings when compared to the Emotiva.  With a 4 watt amp it makes a difference
The answer to your question is system dependent -- what’s the input sensitivity of your power amp? If it only takes 1 or 1.5 volts for your amp to output its full power, then your 3 volt DAC output is largely wasted -- you’ll need to either turn down your analog volume control a lot or reduce the volume of the digital signal being fed to the DAC.

Keep in mind that once your amp is outputting its full power, anything beyond that is just clipping. Putting extra voltage into the amp’s inputs doesn’t increase the available max output. And, if your amp uses a traditional potentiometer to control volume, these pots often track most poorly at the lower levels (9 o’clock and under), meaning you could end up with more channel imbalance that you would have if the volume control is turned higher to achieve the desired volume. 

OTOH, if you have a power amp with a low sensitivity input, the 3 volt output will help you without needing additional gain from a preamp. 
Even with a passive pre 3V may not be needed,  it depends on the input sensitivity of the amplifier. With an active pre, 3V can often be too much. 
Thank you all for your responses! My power amp is First watt F5 unfortunately the manual does not include the info regarding the input sensitivity!