I'm glad if any of my thoughts help you as you try to determine your next steps.
It should be noted that I haven't tried tubes with the Aeris - I was referring to the Parasound JC1 monoblocks, the original version. I'm hearing wonderful things about the new updates, so as nice as the original versions sounded, perhaps the updated ones are even better.
The Aeris likes power - there shouldn't be any second guessing that point. The soundstage collapses, things get crispy sounding, and things generally are less enjoyable as everything gets constricted.
I agree with Douglas in that I would use the PL if you like their sound. if nothing else, it sets a benchmark for you as you know what they sound like, and that will help you as you try other gear.
In my current setup, I am using the Wavelet as the DAC and Preamp and simply using the 300 as an amplifier. I agree with you in that less processing seems like the better route to take.
It should be noted that I haven't tried tubes with the Aeris - I was referring to the Parasound JC1 monoblocks, the original version. I'm hearing wonderful things about the new updates, so as nice as the original versions sounded, perhaps the updated ones are even better.
The Aeris likes power - there shouldn't be any second guessing that point. The soundstage collapses, things get crispy sounding, and things generally are less enjoyable as everything gets constricted.
I agree with Douglas in that I would use the PL if you like their sound. if nothing else, it sets a benchmark for you as you know what they sound like, and that will help you as you try other gear.
In my current setup, I am using the Wavelet as the DAC and Preamp and simply using the 300 as an amplifier. I agree with you in that less processing seems like the better route to take.