Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Naggots, as far as I can tell from my dealer, Zu supply a network ie not just cap, but in conjunction with the 2 resistors etc. I suspect (although not sure) they'll be all Duelund.
Hi Naggots,
If Zu recommened the Clarity MR capacitor over the Audyn how can the Audyn be '95%' of the Duelund?
My gut feeling is both the Clarity MR and Audyn likely represent excellent value per their cost.The Duelund is simply a higher tier performer and that`s what your paying for.
If you`re getting a network package with Duelund VSF capapcitors I can`t imagine why it would`nt also include the Duelund resistors(it only seems logical).
The network is a cap and 2 resistors with Event cabling.

I agree that Audyn and Clarity MR are 95% of Duelund but at 10% of the cost....... I quizzed Sean over them and he said to stick with Clarity unless going to Duelund....... In the DruidV

My point is however....... $500 cap linked to a $10 resistor before the tweeter...... The upgraded networks do not have Duelund resistors.

I'm not saying it doesn't sound good but it could sound better using $50 worth of resistors.
95% of Duelund? I wonder about that. Well it`s all a matter of various opinions like most things.I do agree if going to the expense of Duelund caps may as well get their resistors(which are cheap compared to the capacitors).Naggots, you make a good point, the supplied non Duelund resistors could sound reaaly good as a total package.Interesting situation.