Harbeth 40.3 XD versus Harbeth 40.2

Anyone who has listened to both versions, is the difference significant enough to consider trading up to the 40.3?
So, do you have 40.2's and are considering trading up to 40.3 XD?
I talked to Fidelis AV (Harbeth's NA distributor) a few months ago... and at that time, they said the two speakers are very similar, but they hadn't spent enough time with the XD's to be able to nail down the differences.  That leads me to believe they are very similar... so I'd stick with 40.2's, unless you need to have the latest / greatest.

I can tell you from first hand experience that the 40.2 Anni's are considerably more detailed and transparent than the 40.1's... so I'd find it hard to believe the 40.3"XD" can be much more detailed than their 40.2 predecessor.
If there is a significant difference between the 40.1 and the 40.2 then why would you assume that the 40.3’s would be less significant? If you haven’t heard them, well you know what Felix said about assuming things. Just sayin.
@starwarrior... just reporting what I heard from the US distributor a few months back.  Looking forward to hearing what others have to say on the topic.
I say you wait for the 40.9.5XXD.

I hear it's right around the corner........
They will pale compared to the upcoming 41.0 Ultra Plus Reference Signature SE Anniversary.