Tim deParavicini has passed away

I learned today that  Tim deParavicini has passed away from Cancer.  Another one of the great Audio Designers is now gone.  Rest In Peace Tim.
Another one of our greats is gone.
I had a pair of his 509's and they were excellent.

2020, the year that continues to give.

Very sad to learn of his passing. Having had a few rare opportunities to spend time with him at various audio shows, he was a gentle soul who utterly failed to take himself too seriously. A true creative genius who will be missed. Rest In Peace!
I regret never owning some of his lovely gear. Here’s a 2007 profile:
I first learned of him when I started listening to recordings by Water Lilly, including Ry Cooder's "A Meeting by the River." They used EAR gear, iirc. Exquisite recordings.