So I just tried to albums, what's $36 to try something you enjoy. I downloaded a Sierra Hul, 25 Trips and Sarah Jarosz Undercurrent. Compared a couple songs to the Qobuz stream and I must say there is just a little something extra on the downloaded version playing from the hard drive in my Innuos. Now we are talking subtle differences, but for an album I really enjoy I will consider buying the Flac download now. The higher female vocals had a slightly smoother presence and the overall sound seemed more organic. I hate to use that word but it just fits.
@bgoeller I used to have a Sony DVP9000ES and a lot of CD's. However, 2 years ago, shortly after our home was built, but before the alarm was installed we had a break-in. My basement was being finished and they smashed the window in the basement. Among the stuff they took was a box of my CD's which happened to basically be my top 2 rows which was all my SACD's, many of which were out of print now. So that pushed me to get into streaming. I agree I liked having the CD in my hand, but I was not ready to re-purchase all the ones I lost.
@bgoeller I used to have a Sony DVP9000ES and a lot of CD's. However, 2 years ago, shortly after our home was built, but before the alarm was installed we had a break-in. My basement was being finished and they smashed the window in the basement. Among the stuff they took was a box of my CD's which happened to basically be my top 2 rows which was all my SACD's, many of which were out of print now. So that pushed me to get into streaming. I agree I liked having the CD in my hand, but I was not ready to re-purchase all the ones I lost.