How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3
79 years old. Got back into 2 channel when I retired in 2003. Can only afford vintage pieces, but find that eventually they are like children requiring costly maintenance. Awaiting delivery of my first brand new piece since the early 60’s and if I like it, I will sell off my vintage / expense ridden "children". I truly enjoy many of these discussions and I look forward to those in areas of my interest, but, quite frankly, many go way beyond my understanding.
First stereo if you want to call it that was a Broadmoor designer all in one with built in 8 track tape player, tuner, hard wired speaker cables and fully automatic turntable from Korvette's (anyone remember that department store) that embarrassingly was taken to my college freshman dorm a couple years after I got it.

Saw and heard the possibilities in that dorm and have been at it for real since 1980. Do the math....(I never skipped a grade or flunked). 

stepping up to your challenge as a fellow female.
I'm 64 and presently working on a pair of DIY open baffle speakers. Right up there with my passion for music is a passion for woodworking  :)
In 14 hours and 24 minutes my body will be 66 years old.
That being said, my mind is still 28 years old.