An audio rack that really does make a difference.

Looking on spending up to $3000. on a rack for my system. I’m currently using a older Billy bags tri-point with cracked glass shelves. Would like to get a four post stand so it becomes more stable than the three post Billy Bags. Looking for something that will take it to the next level without taking my pocket book along with it. I’ve looked at Solid Tech and Adonis. 
Thanks Mike

"I always wondered why I see all these high end systems and at dealers too with their racks between the speakers and think it’s got to negatively impact the image and soundstage."

I hear you, but for most of us there probably isn't a better solution. The common alternative is to place the equipment rack along a side wall, where it will still introduce uneven reflections, specially if there's no matching furniture on the OTHER side wall. A ventilated closet might work best sonically, but then remotes may not work, and you'll get no visual feedback from your gear via built-in displays and LED lights...

I think I'll keep my rack where it is, between the speakers and set back as far as possible, but I'm open to suggestions for improvement.
I once found myself in a situation where I needed to replace shelving in a older audio rack. I will admit that some of the new racks are sexy, but I was unwilling to commit to that level of investment.

I kept the frame, and added custom Birch Edge Series Platforms crafted from Audiophile Vibration Control
A great product, and they also build racks. 

I also replaced the footers with Finite Elemente's Cerbase Classics that I got here on Agon. I added silicone gel Isolators in critical spots between the frame and the Birch Platforms .

The thousands I saved I invested in music and power cables.  If you choose to re-engineer your stand, or just need footers in general you should also check out Audio Point footers

Best of Luck