Speakers for Luxman SQ-N150

I've become quite interested in this integrated amp.  I currently have the original KEF LS50 wireless.  The sound is truly spectacular--as good as I have ever found at that price range--but after only two years of owning them I had to send them back to the KEF factory to get the internal amp repaired as it started producing really egregious distortion after about 30 minutes of listening.  I'm guessing it's due to an overheating issue, but we shall see.

Because of that issue (and the unbelievably bad app that accompanies those speakers), I am a little gunshy, and am thinking of selling them once I get them returned from the factory.  With the exception of my Vincent PHO-700 phono stage (another GREAT piece, by they way), I've been an entirely solid-state person my whole hi-fi life.  I'd like to get more into tubes, and the Luxman integrated would allow me to do so.  I heard it about a year ago at a CA dealership (I live in MN where there are no Luxman dealers, but was visiting my in-laws out there), and was blown away.  Problem is, I never found out what speakers it was playing on.

So, my ideal situation would be to get the new, passive KEF LS50 Metas, but I assume the 10-watt/channel output of the Luxman would not be nearly enough for the relatively insensitive KEFs.  Is there any chance anyone out there has heard this combo?  Is it feasible?

My other options are much more sensitive speakers.  The Klipsch Forte IIIs and Heresy IVs are supposedly great matches with this amp, but they are way too big for my 10'x20' room.  DeVores are too expensive for my budget.  So, that leaves Zu (and maybe Decware or Icon Audio speakers) as the only affordable, sensitive-enough speakers that fit in my room and in my budget.  I'm considering the Soul or Soul Supreme.  Any thoughts on that combo?   I heard a Zu model four or five years ago at RMAF that sounded very good, but it was also cranked to some very high volumes in that room. And I don't remember what amp was driving them, but it wasn't the Luxman since that model just came out a year or so ago.  I won't every need that much volume--or at least very seldom. I'd appreciate y'all's thoughts.

In short, can the Luxman drive the KEFs?  If not, are the Zu Souls/Soul Supremes any good?
And if it helps any, I sit about 7' away from the speakers.  Not quite nearfield, but pretty close....
Hi Zachzins,
You wrote that you were blown away by the Luxman amplifier and I can understand why. I haven't beard this specific amplifier but given the el84 tube design/circuit and I'm certain superb implementation by Luxman it would be truly excellent.  10 watts of very high quality per their esteemed engineers/designers.

Your direction is correct.  What you need to exploit the best from this high caliber low power amplifier is a reasonably high sensitivity speaker with an easy to drive speaker impedance load.
If you like Zu that isn't a bad place to start. Other suggestions, 
1 Coherent Audio Speakers made in Canada. Good price range options. Small company but quite highly regarded. 
2 Tekton Audio Perfect SET model (Made in Utah) 2-3k price range I believe. Good word of mouth about them and very easy to drive  with lower power amplifiers. 
3 Cube Audio speakers made in Poland. These are or can be more expensive depending on the model. Very high quality single driver speakers that are easy to drive. 
4 Charney Audio (New Jersey) very highly regarded.  Has a broad price range. Very high sensitivity speakers.
5 Vaughn Audio speakers (California) has a broad price range of high sensitivity speakers. 

I just wanted to provide some viable  options. That splendid Luxman integrated tube amplifier deserves to be matched with really good quality speakers.
Heresy in a 10X20 room seems reasonable to me. 
That Luxman certainly is beautiful and you maybe able to lose the Vincent. go tubes and some sensitive speakers!
The Omegas  are a solid less expensive alternative to the Cube Audio full range single driver speakers. There are definitely very good choices available of appropriate higher sensitivity and  friendly impedance load speakers .