Ayre Codex vs. ESS SABRE ES9010K2M (Yamaha AS801)

Hey all:

I'm thinking about purchasing a Yamaha AS801 which has the ESS Sabre DAC in it.  I have an Ayre Codex presently.  Wondering if the Yamaha DAC would be a good replacement for the Codex or if I should buy a DACless amp and keep the Codex.  Does that make sense?

Thoughts appreciated.

if the rest of your system - i.e. your source and your speakers - is resolving, of true hi fi quality, the ayre codex will sound vastly superior
Keep the Codex you would be going backwards the only thing you might need is a Codex Cradle 

Enjoy the Music 
Well, I found the AS801 for a good price so I grabbed it. This will be an interesting experiment. Will the onboard DAC be able to compete with the Codex....
More importantly, will I notice a difference.

PS - Source is FLAC or Tidal. Speakers are Onix Rocket 750 or Ohm Walsh.