Dynaco PAT 4 Pre-Amp ....Why is it Bashed??

I just bought this Dynaco PAT 4 Pre-amp.
AMP : Paired it with Emerald Physics Class D  100.2 SE amp
SPEAKERS:  Mark Audio full range P12 
 I am puzzled why  there are so many negative comments  being posted regarding this pre-amp sounding harsh and bright.
It sounds good to me...clear and detailed.
Any PAT 4 Users .....comments?  ( in stock condition only)
thank you

Built one of those many many years ago along with an ST-150 power amp.  The PAT-4 was Dynacos first foray into solid state preamps and as such it lacked refinement that the later released PAT-5 had.  The PAT-4 initially received some good reviews as is sounded so different from its tubed predecessor.  Alas, in time different was not better.  There was an edge and lack of dimensionality.

I still remember soldering all those caps to the high cut filter assembly--arrrgh!  But maybe I understand why they included it now.
Man, you're dating me. In the mid 70s I built a PAT 5, then after reading a review, I had it modified by Van Alstein? It was then called a FET 5
The PAT-4 was first introduced as a kit along with the Dynaco 400 SS amp. I built many of these on the side while i was working at Bendini building tube amps and i sold them as complete units. I remember back then that depending on who did the build that units could sound different from each other, i estimate that i built and sold over a 100.

Personally i never liked the way they sounded they had what i considered what was to become the classic SS sound that we lived with for several decades.