
If you had to pick, what are some of the brands you think are most overrated or underrated based on what you’ve heard? 
Can be any type of cable

Yep why some call(ed) them 'Van den Dull'.
Though mostly, if not only, applicable to those mixed carbon-fibre ICs.

Had used them once, had 2 happy days.
When I bought them - and when I traded them for something else. 

Very nicely packaged though they were, in some pretty carton as I recall. 👌
Michélle 🇿🇦 
I am going to list some very fine brands because so many rate them as universally most neutral or revealing or aspirational:

  • B&W
  • Pass
  • Magico

Are they fine brands?? Yes. Are they universally suitable for everyone? No. Same goes for my own faves too!  I find them overrated, not because they make less than stellar components, but because their fan boys can't believe anyone wouldn't like their sound.

Dynaudio - Constantly playing with the house curve with different models in production at the same time so really depends. Good for them for making a variety of different sounds.

Dali - They tip the treble up several DB’s and many are mesmerized by how "revealing" they are. Neutral? Hell no, but at low volumes a good listen.

Synergistic Research (vastly, unbelievably underrated)
