Why No Love For Peachtree Audio?

I am running a Peachtree Audio Grand Integrated X-1 (Class D 440W at 8 ohms) amp through Joseph Audio Profile floorstanding speakers.  I realize that this is not "high end" but it sounds pretty darn good and the connectivity of this amp can't be beat.  It has inputs for usb, toslink optical, coax digital and rca plugs. There is a home theater by-pass (though I only run it as a two-channel set up) and other common goodies. The DAC, while maybe not state of the art, is as good as many others touted on this forum.  I use this set up in the living room as our all-around stereo for music and tv (not a dedicated listening room) and it suits that purpose quite well. The original MAP at over $4k was optimistic, but a good used one can be picked up for well under $2k. At that price it is a bargain.

Why are there no good words for Peachtree Audio products on this forum.  It almost seems like that brand is held in disdain here.  What's up with that?
I just got Nova 150 to replace a dead simaudio integrated and so far absolutely loving it! Loverly warm sound - definitely not the sound I would have associated with class D amp a few years ago! ... Plenty of power, good dac... the only nit pick - I wish tape loop was actually volume controlled ... except for that - nothing more I would want from it...
For those of you that have /had a Peachtree Nova 300, any recommendations on good speaker pairings?
I had the Nova Pre for a few years. It was a nice preamp. The tube was gimmicky.....no sound difference with the tube engaged except some added hiss. I think Peachtree makes solid gear for people who just want a simple set up for good sound.
Just because Peachtree doesn’t seem to get a lot of exposure on Audiogon doesn’t mean it isn’t lauded elsewhere. It’s a successful brand and produces many solid products. Audiogoners tend to be fussy with their accolades; I mean, every time someone posts a celebration of Product A, 19 trolls surface to point out its flaws and obvious weakness compared to Product B.

There are many large volume manufacturers who are met with crickets for the most part here: Marantz, Bel Canto, LSA, NAD, Simaudio, and others who don’t have a devoted cult following but who have achieved large-scale success. They’ll be touted every now and then in a "What component do I desperately need/" thread, but don’t often warrant threads of their own.

Tbh, in my everpresent search for the perfect integrated, I did consider Peachtree briefly, but the bias in me that sees boutique and exotics as preferable made me pass it over. Honestly, I succumbed to the "it's so popular that it can't be as good as this exotic unit made by organic peasants in Switzerland" bias.
I purchased a new Grand X-1 Hybrid 3 years ago directly from Peachtree as it had been discontinued.  Lucky to get one and have been happy with it ever since.  When new in my systems it blew me away with more of everything from Beefheart's, "Crazy Little Thing" to Chris Christopherson's last one man album.  I had to play with it and have rolled different tubes until I tried a matched pair of Gold Lions.  The improvement was subtle but rich and deep and better with time.  

The folks I talked with at Peachtree were frank about taking flack for the price of their product.  The corporate story was to be affordable and the $4,500 ticket was over the top for their fans...  except it wasn't.  Not even close to the top.  The amp was discontinued to re-focus the corporate attention and a decision not to 'compete' in the 'hybrid' market.  The current 500 watt model without the tube 'preamp' is basically the same unit, sans tubes.  The price reflects that too and is more consistent with goals.  After all, we already have McIntosh for weight and big bucks. 

In Michigan I can now head to my studio, fire up a new release on vinyl from Savoy Brown and a 80 year old guitarist, and fire up some OG Kush too.  Now turn it up.