How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3
Dang, a bunch of old dudes!
54... yeah I’m one! Haha! Still feel (or wish I did) like I did at 20. Good health is a blessing! First “stereo” was a Fisher “integrated” MC-4530 TT and all. Loved that thing.

69, just to clock in...
Graduated HS in '69, so a  nice symmetry there....*S*

Mental age: Debated, but I'm happy with it.
Intellectual age: Since most seem to have difficulty relating to my posts, I'll count it as a draw...

General apparition:  One with the Mona Lisa stare, but shades of gray.

First concert, The Beatles, September 13 1964, Baltimore Civic Center.  
68. After I left home to work at 18, some new friends dragged me to a few concerts in late '70 and early '71 before I went to college. The first two were King Crimson (I had never heard of them) and Jethro Tull, who I had seen on TV. Both were magnificent. At college I roomed with electrical engineers one year who introduced me to much better audio equipment than I had encountered until then. They started the rot.