How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3
68. After I left home to work at 18, some new friends dragged me to a few concerts in late '70 and early '71 before I went to college. The first two were King Crimson (I had never heard of them) and Jethro Tull, who I had seen on TV. Both were magnificent. At college I roomed with electrical engineers one year who introduced me to much better audio equipment than I had encountered until then. They started the rot.

Graduated from Advent to Adcom GFA555II and Dahlquist DQM9’s in 1986.

Graduated from Adcom and Dahlquist to Conrad Johnson, Pass Labs (Phono preamp), Rega RP10 with Apheta 2 and EgglestonWorks Viginti’s in 2018.

I am not getting old enough fast enough.
I’m 65 and have been pursuing better audio gear for about 20 years.Always loved music but didn’t really know what was out there as far as gear until one day I wandered into a local hi-end audio emporium.  I’ve been hooked ever since even though I don’t have a situation where going for the best of the best would be wise. Nowadays I browse audiogon and US audio mart and sometimes spring for a real deal of slightly older gear in mint condition . Really really have enjoyed hi-Rez streaming and all the music it makes available for a reasonably modest subscription fee. 
60, look 50, feel 30, most days. I did that Teloyears thing last year and my body age was 39!