For the past ten years I've wanted to ask this simple question. Greatly appreciate the responses, everyone. I especially enjoyed the stories and insight.
By chance did anyone run the numbers for us to determine the average age of respondents?
Don't worry, I did. We have a sample of 182 data points (pretty good). Outliers are 21 and 88 years of age. Some of the answers were just too cryptic for me to figure out and some didn't answer - which is perfectly okay!
Drum roll, please, on this Christmas Eve Eve...!!!
...61 is the average age from the responses provided so far. Here's the math: 11135/182 = 61.18.
And here's the breakdown by age group:
20-30: 3
30-40: 2
40-50: 15
50-60: 42
60-70: 88
70-80: 27
80-90: 5
I was expecting the average to be a little lower, somewhere around 50. Tallied the numbers a couple of times, but if anyone wants to check, feel free. Curious to see what average you come up with!
Happy Holidays and to a better New Year, Audiogon!