ProAc DT8 vs D20R

Is the ProAc D20R much better than the DT8? Pros/cons? Thank you!
@erastof,I own the ProAc D48R and love them. But I have to agree with @aewarren about the placement. If you do not have much space behind and to the side of speakers then the bass boom and muddiness in the midrange will remain. They way to mitigate them are to have bass absorbers on the corners and monster panels on the wall behind where you sit. You will have to experiment with that. I think the D20R will have less bass than the DT8. But with the ribbon tweeters, it should have better clarity.

I just looked online at the DT8 and the DT20R.  How could so few drivers produce good sound to begin with?  How can one speaker share so many frequencies and image sound better than a speaker with a tweeter, a mid range speaker and one to two woofers?  You have to be kidding me.  Maybe we should be listening to a speaker with just one woofer to get all the frequencies.  This this has to be smoke and mirrors.  Hope this stirs up some conversation because this just doesn't make sense to me.  There are a lot of experts in the group and I hope some of you can explain this.  If this is the case, why are other speaker manufacturers wasting their time and money one manufacturing their speakers with multiple drivers.  You lost me on this one!
I just looked online at the DT8 and the DT20R. How could so few drivers produce good sound to begin with? How can one speaker share so many frequencies and image sound better than a speaker with a tweeter, a mid range speaker and one to two woofers? You have to be kidding me.


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