For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.

What are your favorite audio components and speakers based on the way they look (looked).  Yes, I know that sound is what counts and that is my major influence, but I do enjoy well designed/good looking products.   I no longer do, but did have a collection of art deco radios, both table models and consoles.....and that was all about design rather than their audiophile qualities.  Thanks 

Some turntables appear to be on steroids recently. Hundreds of pounds of metal, chrome, brass, you name it. A few quite impressive.
But I’ve always enjoyed the aesthetics of the more modest Oracle Delphi.
It would be best not to say which country, but when I had my Modern/Scandinavian furniture store, an excellent company made furniture for a market that they did not sell elsewhere.  When I asked the company about this, the owner said the _______ buy their furniture by the pound. 

+1 on the Mac gear, I've always loved the look and a LOT of the Mac sound..

My Cary V12r is a beauty with sound to match..
Just heaven to listen to small planars with..

VMPS RMx Elixirs. Still have a pair and still love the look.. I love the sound even more. Though it has been 2 years.
I've been listening to RM30, I can't seem to break the spell... Easier to move too.. :-)

I like the look of them all dolled up too, VMPS RM30s.

I don't care about the looks of my equipment per say, since  I never really look at it as most of it sits by my side. But I do care greatly about the looks of the wall behind my speakers in my house of stereo  since that's what I always look at. Hence it features artwork and color tones I can relate to and relax in. If my room looked like a science lab in front of me, even with a million dollar system in it, I would have very little enjoyment. To me the music experience is more than just the ears, it also involves every other senses. Just me.