@mahgistar I have enjoyed studying the pictures of your ’embeddings’Thanks for your kind words....By the way my room is actually crazier than what you can see, it is difficult to gives an image clear of all my new devices with hundred of feet of cables.... 😁
But my only concern all along this incremental set of experiments was sound not esthetic... And i am not the more skillful here probably the less skillful of all....But one of the more creative it seems... 😎
For sure my embeddings controls are cheap, homemade and non esthetically compatible with a wife, especially a good one....
But i was not planning all that in the beginnings, this was the results of 2 years of non planified listening experiments and no money to afford my audio dream with the regular costly known solutions... I succeed to afford my dream at the cost of esthetic for sure... But i also introduce myself practically to acoustic embedding ( mechanical and electrical one also) WITHOUT very straight a priori rules or computers except the very basic rules for sure....
I often wonder how many audiophiles are on a gear exchange merry-go-round until they get good room acoustics? It is as if the need to spend money, experiment with cables, etc. just stops.Most people dont have a clue about audio embeddings.... And they put their faith in external authorities or in costly engineering but not in their own ears experimental habilities...
I am not a "bat" by the way, but i know how to listen, for me audio and music are simply the educated history of my own listening habit....
And for those who will critic the bias and defective hearing status of old men of my age, i will answer this: audio is not about perceiving some higher range of Hertz frequencies for the sake of them, but about listening to relatively good natural timbre instruments renditions to the room first and the speakers attached to it... No need to be a bat....Only to be attentive listeners, even if we are half-deaf dude, anyway, it is our room and it will be our sound pleasure....
Merry Christmas and good health to all audio friends....