The most comfortable headphones I own (I have about 10 or 12) are my Sennheiser / Drop HD6XX - Changing out the earpads can make them even more comfortable. Not just comfortable, but lots of bang for the buck. Maybe not quite on the same level as the LCD-X in terms of detail and bass quality/quantity (I have the LCD-XC, but haven't heard the LCD-X), but very easy to listen to.
If your budget is higher and you like the Audeze sound, check out the Sony MDR-Z1R. They give my LCD-4 a run for the money in terms of bass and sound quality and are a lot more comfortable.
If your budget is higher and you like the Audeze sound, check out the Sony MDR-Z1R. They give my LCD-4 a run for the money in terms of bass and sound quality and are a lot more comfortable.